Angel Mother Charmaine Harris's Story

I never knew love until I had to love my daughter from a distance .. I never knew pain until I had to do the same thing .. May 18th 2016 I gave birth to a angel and my life has never been the same since. I cry every day , not because I'm sad but because I wish I had more time , I wish I could have done something !! Anything !! She was so beautiful 1 pound 8 ounces and I named her Cherish
My water broke 2 weeks prior to me having her so the pain was unbearable and I had to push her out naturally. The pain was no comparison to her taking her last breath in my arms or me having to pour her ashes into a container or me having to still feel her kick with no baby being inside. I am grateful for the pictures and the recordings of her heartbeat but I wish I could hold her one more time , and kiss her one more time. I knew if nobody else would ever love me that my daughter would and I knew that if I made no one else in this world proud that she would be .. They say that with time the pain goes away but it has only gotten worse with me because the older she gets the more I feel that I'm missing out on her growth My baby is now 5 months and I only got to spend 2 days with her
I know that God is real and I know that she is in the best place but if I could just hold her hand one more time I would be the happiest mom ever !!